Voices From NENYland
So what is it like living in the northeastern corner of New York State? What great thinkers reside in that place they call God’s Country? As a public service, Anti-Press is honored to share some excerpts from recent letters to the editor of the Plattsburgh Paper. Such astute acumen must not be hoarded like precious jewels of wisdom.
This comes from a letter published 8/13/06:
“The present occupant of the White House tried to have international nations [sic] by, or rent, our port systems, and too much uproar had him retract his offer.
“His latest attack to we the people, was or still is, to again to have foreign nations [sic] buy or rent our infrastructure, mainly all tunnels and highway systems in these United States…
“And let’s not forget eminent domain, the disease that takes away property that is within [sic] families for generations. The state and civil governments bend to corporate America, perhaps for a price? Wake up, America, time is short, the Lord is on his way back.”
As I said, they call this area God’s Country. Here’s another excerpted letter to prove this point. The letter appeared on 8/12/06:
“…The smut sellers that the mayor allowed near shopping centers only help and promote [sex] crimes to happen. Selling pornography at shopping centers is a pathway to sex crimes and they are inviting the problem.
“If mayors keep carelessly allowing disgusting decay of decency, smut in our cities, you can expect crimes against women and children to get worse. Pornography is an immorality, a sin against God…”
And let’s not forget NENYland’s political pundits. These excerpts are from a letter to the editor dated 7/30/06:
“The Democrats consider George Bush to be Werebush, shape shifting creature of the night. In their liberal delusions, he can appear as Richard Nixon, Joe McCarthy, or Adolph Hitler as he stalks the White House halls plotting absolute dictatorship.
“What this view of the president really proves is that the Democrats are empty suits (panty hose, in the case of Hillary Clinton) held up solely by the gases of their own decay…
“Their all-consuming hatred of Bush has brought these Democrats to the point that they would rather snuggle with terrorists who bathe in camel urine than admit that this president has done anything right…”
And to wrap up this random selection of local voices, let me offer some advice:
When visiting NENYland, please set your watch back to 1953.