

Tell Me How To Think

“Let me tell you what this means.”

Yes, Sean Hannity. I tune into your radio program so that you can talk to me like an idiot child who doesn’t know how to tie his shoes, who is unaware of what is really happening with the Iraq War.

For those who aren’t familiar with Sean, he’s another conservative political anal-yst in the tradition of Rush Limbaugh – but without Limbaugh’s charm.

This afternoon Sean was trying to explain why we should continue to wage the dead end conflict in Iraq by comparing President George Dubya with Abe Lincoln, showing how Dubya and Abe are cut from the same sacred cloth, claiming there are direct parallels between the Iraq War and the American Civil War.

There has been controversy lately that Dubya pushed aside generals who didn’t agree with his doomed vision, putting yes-men in charge to carry out his insanity. Sean portrayed Dubya as another Lincoln who also had to fire generals until he got the right commander who would win the war. And, don’t forget, Lincoln also increased troop strength to settle the struggle with the South.

This argument reminds me of a discussion I had one time with someone who was upset that I thought the Iraq War was Vietnam II. He said: “There’s no comparison. Two different wars. Vietnam was a jungle; Iraq is a desert.”

Location, location, location. What is a top priority for business is also vital to any war.

But what I find interesting is that Sean and his ilk are so uber-conservative that you could imagine what roles they would be playing if they had lived during the Civil War. Back then they would be pro-slavery, trying to conserve the good life of the South. After all, abolishing slavery would ruin the economy for the southern states. And the Economy is god over all.

So I can see Sean being a public relations flak for the Confederacy. He would be saying stuff like “a good whipping improves the character of a Negro.” And when the tide turned and it was inevitable the South was going to lose, he would still be backing President Jefferson Davis, saying what a great man he was, that if the Confederacy just kept fighting, victory could be snatched from the jaws of defeat.

Is that a reasonable – even fair – comparison, envisioning Sean Handjobity as a Confederate bloviator?

Hey, it’s just as good as what he comes up with during his radio program for conservative non-thinkers.

Stan Spire

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