We Are America, Damn It!
(C) 2007 Stan Spire
According to a new National Intelligence Estimate, Iran is supplying to Shiite militias in Iraq a special type of roadside explosive that can blast through armored Humvees. This means more American soldiers will be killed or maimed from explosively formed penetrators as Vietnam II grinds on and the violence keeps escalating.
But to admit that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake is unacceptable to Prez Shrub and his neo-con-men. In fact, Shrub seems to want to expand the conflict, indicating that Iran is the next target of his crusade to win the Oily Land from the non-Christian infidels.
Some are skeptical about the recent NIE findings after it has been shown that data about the connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein’s government was really “alternative intelligence” (AKA, a lie) passed along to fool the American people as they were jingoed into a dead-end war.
At the same time, is it so surprising that Iran would be helping to drive the U.S. occupation forces out of Iraq? It’s tragic that American soldiers are being placed in greater danger from the specialized explosives. In no way can the violence be condoned. But what would you expect Iran to do – ignore what’s going on right next door to it?
Should Iran forget history, ignore the fact that at one time Saddam was the U.S.’s good buddy, used by the American government to fight Iran during a protracted, indecisive war? After all, the U.S. supplied Saddam with all sorts of weapons and material. Why is it so shocking that Iran would be involved in covertly backing the insurgents? What makes America so special that it can play dirty tricks, but other countries are not allowed the same option?
It’s superpower psychosis. “We are America, damn it, and we’re anointed by God to spread righteousness around the world. We don’t worship any phony supreme being like ‘Allah.’ We have The Truth on our side and whatever we do is justified because our might makes us right!”
And so the US acts as Maniac World Cop, trying to enforce its system of laws on others. But the World Cop has been lead into a trap. The so-called "Islamofascists” are delighted that the US is mired in Iraq, pissing away money and lives while caught in the jaws of a bear trap.
And if Prez Shrub presses ahead and expands his insanity into Iran, the trap will shut tight.
“DEADLIEST BOMB IN IRAQ IS MADE BY IRAN, U.S. SAYS” By Michael R. Gordon. New York Times, Page A1, Saturday, February 10, 2007.
“Inquiry on Intelligence Gaps May Reach to White House” by David S. Cloud. New York Times, Page A6, Saturday, February 10, 2007.