

Iran: The Second Sucker Punch

Members of al-Qaeda must be as happy as pigs in shit because the US is bogged down in Iraq, trapped by a no-win situation. Al-Qaeda wasn't there when Saddam was in power but they're there now.

Why did al-Qaeda attack America on 9/11? One reason could be to sucker this country and its idiot president into endless wars overseas. Shrub couldn't be satisfied with Afghanistan, he had to get greedy and invade Iraq. Now there's rumblings about our pinhead POTUS "Bringing It On" with Iran.

Al-Qaeda must be salivating, hoping that Uncle Sap will fall into that final trap, a war on three fronts. If we're hit by another terrorist attack, maybe cooler heads will prevail and take rational action. To al-Qaeda we're "The Great Satan" and they will try to drain this country dry of its military and financial resources. Don't forget, "God" is on their side (they call him Allah.) In some ways they seem to be more devote in their faith; look at all of the suicide bombers.

The US won't survive another sucker punch if it reacts so stupidly again. Even with our God.

(C) Copyright 2007 Stan Spire

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